Empowering LGBTQIA++ people to take control of alcohol and start . . .
Living Proud AF !
Our Mission
At our core, we believe that every member of the LGBTQIA++ community deserves to live their best life without alcohol holding them back.
We're here to help break the Alcohol cycle and empower individuals to achieve their goals with a little less booze and a lot more joy!
As Certified This Naked Mind Coaches we work with our clients 1-1 to build healthier relationships with alcohol and enjoy life to the fullest.
Using science-led and compassion-based coaching we want to create a safe, welcoming space where everyone is celebrated for who they are while providing a personalized coaching experience.
So, if you're ready to live your best life without feeling trapped by alcohol, join us on this journey of self-discovery.

Coach John
John specialises in working with Gay men and the wider LGBTQ+ community.
Recognising and experiencing first-hand the challenges those who identify as LGBTQ+ face, John is passionate about helping his community find Freedom from Alcohol.

Meet the Coaches

Coach Jeff
Jeff offers private coaching programs to those who may find themselves interested in exploring the use or overuse of various substances such as alcohol, to escape or numb their lives. He specializes with Midlife Gay Men who may also be struggling with the “I’ll Be Happy When” syndrome, as he once was.
Coach Kathleen
After years of over-serving herself with alcohol & other drugs to avoid anxiety, shame, pain, & trauma, Kathleen came to realize that the quiet voice insisting there had to be a better way rang true. They spent years cobbling together healthier coping strategies ranging from 12-steps to surfing to art-therapy to organic farming to writing workshops to distance running to kitchen alchemy to spiritual exploration to TNM to help them build a more meaningful & joyful life.

Coach Micheal
Michael serves high-achieving professionals, athletes, and healthy skeptics who find themselves stuck in their relationship with alcohol. He also works with those who may have stopped drinking but are looking to overcome anxiety and self-doubt as they move forward. Michael loves walking alongside them and witnessing new possibilities arise as they come to a greater understanding of themselves and their own innate resilience.
Coach Justin
Justin wants to help you break past the beliefs you hold about alcohol, the self, and your environment that lead you to believe that alcohol is a pro social and positive behavior. Justin also wants to help you assess your current path you are taking and step into the uncomfortable feelings that open yourself up to curiosity about where you are in your life and help guide you to positive changes and a more fulfilling life. Helping you pave the way for an alternative direction is what you will do while working with Justin.

Coach Darcy
Darcey aims to serve the blue collar community and sex-workers of every kind with custom confidential mentoring, 1:1, and group coaching, specializing in a work hard, party harder mindset including risky behaviors, overeating, sex and substance abuse.
Working with her will help you discover sustainable ways of relieving stress, blowing off steam, living a luscious life and facing your job, whatever it is, strong and hangover free.

Coach Soraya
Soraya serves artists and creative professionals, who find themselves stuck in their relationship with alcohol or other substances, and who feel they can’t move forward in their work or career lives. She is committed to the accessibility of this service, particularly for other people who identify as BIPOC or LGTBQIA++, and has a sliding scale available. Soraya released her first podcast, Where is Everybody, about re-imagining connections in uncharted territories. She is now working on a second podcast, specifically focused on recovery.

Coach Lance
For over 20 years I struggled with cognitive dissonance, opposing thoughts and beliefs, around my desire to drink alcohol. My hardworking self loved the ruby red relaxation wine that seemed to bring me in the evening.
But my morning self did not appreciate the heavy, toxic sludge I woke up in; nor the tired and wired feeling that was too often the norm. I couldn’t relate to being an alcoholic, but should my attempts to cut down and moderate be so hard!
We were once where you are Now
At Living Proud AF, we're all about living our best lives and having a great time - without alcohol getting in the way!
Our This Naked Mind Certified Coaches are proud members of the LGBTQIA++ community and have all worked on their own relationship with Alcohol to become Alcohol-FREE.
We believe that everyone deserves to live their life to the fullest, and that includes having a positive relationship with alcohol. Our approach is all about science and compassion as we help individuals make positive changes and achieve their goals.
But we're not just here to be your coaches - we're your cheerleaders, and your fellow adventurers on this journey of self-discovery.
Join our community of proud individuals who are LIVING AF (Alcohol-Free) and loving it!

Living Proud Alcohol-Free
Living Proud As F**k !